
How to hire the best digital agency for your business in 2021

The 7 steps to follow when hiring a digital and PR agency that will help you achieve your goals.

It's a great question, and one that I've been asked many times.

The answer is, of course, it depends.The first thing you need to do is figure out what you're trying to achieve. Do you want to raise awareness of your brand? Get more people talking about your product? Or are you trying to generate leads and sales?

Once you've figured out what you're trying to achieve, then it's time to start looking at agencies. You want an agency that can help you achieve your goals. If they can't do that, then they're not the right agency for you.

I'm going to break down the process into five steps:  

  1. Research the market and find potential agencies;
  2. Talk with potential agencies;
  3. Evaluate their proposals;
  4. Negotiate the contract;
  5. Work with your agency.

Step 1: Research the market and find potential agencies.

You're going to need to do some research before you start talking to agencies.

The first thing you need to do is figure out what agencies are in your market. You can do this by searching for 'pr agency' on Google, or by using a site like Agency Spy.

Once you've found the agencies in your market, it's time to dig a little deeper and find out more about them. You can do this by reading their website, looking at their blog, and checking out their social media profiles. The next step is to figure out what kind of services they offer. You want an agency that offers the services you need. If they don't offer the services you need, then they're not the right agency for you.

Step 2: Talk with potential agencies

Once you've found a few potential agencies, it's time to start talking with them. The first thing I'd recommend doing is sending them an email introducing yourself and letting them know why you're interested in working with them. If they don't respond within a week or so, send another email asking if they received your first email and if there's anything else they'd like to know about your business or goals. If they still don't respond after that, move on and find another agency. It's important that your agency has good communication skills because if there's ever an issue with your campaign or something isn't working as planned, it's important that you can get in touch with someone at the agency who can help resolve the issue quickly and efficiently so that it doesn't impact your campaign negatively.

Once you've sent an initial email, set up a phone call or meeting with one of their account managers (or whoever is responsible for managing new business). During this meeting (or phone call), ask questions about how they work with clients and what kind of campaigns they've worked on in the past (and why those campaigns were successful).

Make sure that everything sounds good before moving forward because once you sign a contract with an agency it can be very difficult (and expensive) to get out of it if things aren't working out for some reason down the road:

  • Confirm that whoever will be handling your account has experience working with clients similar to yours because if not then there could be some issues down the road when it comes time to execute on your campaign strategy (for example: if someone who has never worked on a tech company account before is managing your account then there could be some issues when it comes time to execute on things like social media strategy).
  • Make sure everyone involved understands what kind of results are expected from this campaign because if not then there could be some problems down the road when people aren't seeing results as quickly as expected (for example: if someone who doesn't understand how SEO works is managing your SEO campaign then there could be problems down the road when people aren't seeing results as quickly as expected).
  • Make sure you understand how much work will go into executing on each part of this campaign so you know why certain things cost what they cost. For example: If someone thinks  SEO service should cost $500 but doesn't realize how much work goes into executing on an SEO campaign then they're going to be disappointed when they don't see results as quickly as they expected.

Step 3: Evaluate their proposals

Once you've talked with a few agencies, it's time to evaluate their proposals. The first thing I'd recommend doing is making sure that the agency has included all of the information you need in their proposal. You want to make sure that they've included things like:

  • A description of the services they'll be providing;
  • The number of hours they'll be working on your account;
  • The cost of the services they'll be providing;
  • Their payment terms (how often will they bill you and how much will each bill be);
  • Their cancellation policy (if any).

I'd also recommend asking for references from past clients and checking out some of those references to see what kind of work they did for those clients and how happy those clients were with the results. This will give you a better idea about what kind of work this agency is capable of doing for your business.

Step 4: Negotiate the contract

Once you've evaluated their proposal, it's time to negotiate the contract.

You want to make sure that you're getting a fair deal so that you're not paying too much for services you don't need. The first thing I'd recommend doing is asking for a few changes to the proposal.

For example, if they're charging too much per hour, ask if they can lower their hourly rate or if they can provide a discount for working on multiple projects at once. If they're charging too much overall, ask if they can lower the cost of the services they'll be providing or if they can provide a discount for working on multiple projects at once.

If there are any other issues with their proposal (like what happens if things don't work out), make sure those issues are addressed in the contract so that everyone is clear about what will happen in those situations.

Step 5: Work with your agency

Once you've signed a contract with an agency, it's time to start working together!

The first thing I'd recommend doing is setting up a kickoff meeting. This meeting will give you a chance to meet with your agency and go over the goals of your campaign and the strategies they'll be using to achieve those goals. It will also give you a chance to ask any questions you might have about the project.

Once that's done, it's time to get started! The best way to do this is by working together on a regular basis. You want to make sure that you're both on the same page about what needs to get done and when it needs to get done by. You also want to make sure that you're both communicating regularly so that everyone knows what's going on with the project and so that everyone knows how things are going.

If there are any issues along the way, don't be afraid to bring them up! If something isn't working out, let your agency know so they can fix it. If you're not happy with something, let them know so they can fix it! The best way for an agency and client to work together is by being open and honest with each other about what's going on with the project.

Step 6: Evaluate your results

Once your campaign is over, it's time for evaluation! These are the things I recommend you look at:

  1. How many people were reached by your campaign (using things like Facebook Insights or Google Analytics)
  2. How much traffic was driven from social media. This will help you determine whether or not social media was effective in driving traffic for your business
  3. How much revenue was generated from social media
  4. How many people were reached by each piece of content. This will give you an idea of which pieces of content were most effective in reaching people and engaging them with your brand. It may also help identify some pieces of content that weren't as effective as others in reaching people or engaging them with your brand
  5. How much traffic each piece of content drove from social media
  6. How much revenue each piece generated from social media
  7. What kind of engagement each piece received on social media

Step 7: Repeat!

Once you've evaluated the results and made any necessary changes to your strategy, it's time to repeat the process! The best way to do this is by starting over with a new campaign and a new set goals for it. The first step is to figure out what those goals are and then the rest should be pretty easy!

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